Diverse Literature Books
Literature! What can be more at the right pace, quiet and simple an activity to help you into the world of fantasy or truth, knowledge combined with fiction and answers to the questions: "What would you/I have done?" or "If he were in those shoes... perhaps." or "If only I could have done things differently." - But you can! Yes, yes! You. Just grab yourself a book and - if you feel like putting down some of your own observations and thoughts - grab a pen and a piece of paper, or get yourself a notebook and give your mind a well-deserved time of fun. It feels great to take other people's works and just twist the whole thing so bad that at the end of the choreography you proposed even the ghosts of those characters are drained of all their energy.
It's another kind of science you're invited to either simply explore, or get to remodel and reshape a world - you're doing it anyway with your mind when you get yourself all too entangled in the intrigues and dos and haps of the characters. Why not just apply to them some well-deserved share from your own brain!? At the end of this trip, whether you'll choose to make something serious about it or not, you will have spent a good time with yourself, making your brain happier, helping it help you.
Give it a try. This little library is here for you and the plan is to make it grow.
This page is meant to offer to you the chance to find a gathering of books that you might find interesting or good for you, a positive distraction, if you like, for patients as well as for non-patients. If you also feel like contributing to the recovery or ease of suffering of people who suffer of cancer by buying art from us, please write to us or, for direct donations use the list of institutions that deal with cancer problems and help patients with cancer.